She actually went to one of your concert and meet and greets when you were in NY. Your music actually help her deal with everything she has been going through. Your her favorite band in the whole world. I'm so devastated,I was buying the tickets for my younger sister who has been sick for over 2 years and she is finally graduating from High school.
I'm so upset about the whole mix-up with the tickets for your up coming tour, I tweet out to you asking for help because the link that you gave your fans the day before was not working and I had to buy tickets for another stateĪnd then find out that your company had a problem with the site so then you made the upgrade tickets available for today, So again I'm on the computer now trying to upgrade my tickets, I get them and I'm checking out and the site crashed. I love you all and i don't want to lose you from my life please do this for me it would mean so much then my world could spin again.

your one of the things that makes my world go around.i asked my mom if i could listen to you today and she told me no so I've been listening to Fall out Boy, Escape the Fate, Black Veil Brides, Bring me the Horizon and my Chemical Romance(other bands i listen too) but its not the same as when I listen to you and Sleeping with the Sirens (she banned me from them to). and the sooner u come out with something like this the sooner i can listen to you again and i can be a happy person. I would like to request a song that has no bad massages (killing swearing and dying) in it so they can see it's not you thats causing my problems I'm a tween trying to figure out who i really am. but they said it was for my own good.i attempted to protest but it didn't work.so I'm sitting here not listening to music and crying as i type this. But it was really cause my life is stressful right now.

My parents believe it was the messages that were in the songs that i have listen to that caused my self harm thoughts. I'm also doing an informational writing on all of you. Dear PTV i love ur songs the first one i ever listen to was Bulls in the bronx after i heard that i instantly became a huge fan and u ALWAYS made me happy after a rough day (or any day for that matter) in fact i believe u saved my life but my parents listened to and banned me from it:C i haven't been as happy sense.